Research areas 

Cooperation is a big part of being human. Our extraordinary skill for getting along is what has allowed us to survive and thrive. I research the psychological dynamics that support those cooperative instincts that make us remarkable: our intuition for navigating the landscape of social information around us, work together in groups, and pursue collective goals.

I examine the psychological mechanisms that facilitate cooperation at multiple levels of analysis, from individual-level decisions about moral character and trustworthiness, to group-level dynamics that facilitate prosocial behavior, to society-level challenges that require collective action.


How do people think about goal pursuit when it operates at a global scale? A key focus of my research is uncovering the motivational dynamics that drive collective goal pursuit, specifically in addressing the global challenge of climate change. I investigated how the motivational dynamics of individual goal pursuit translate to collective goal pursuit (Austin & Converse, 2021), and tested ways to highlight our collective progress on climate change mitigation to encourage individual level pro-environmental motivation (Neale, Austin, Roe & Converse, 2023).

Across 8 experiments, I used various methods to test whether the development of new eco-innovations prompt people to infer that sufficient progress has been made in climate change mitigation efforts to justify reducing their pro-environmental behaviors. Using a novel behavioral measure of commitment to reducing emissions in a simulated transportation task, I found consistent evidence that people do not interpret collective progress on a goal as a sign to reduce their individual-level pro-environmental motivation (Austin & Converse, 2021).

In a second project, we found that our collective progress–when presented the right way—can serve to inspire more motivation towards our global goal of fighting climate change. Across 10 studies, we found that framing mitigation efforts as innovative and exciting - as opposed to mundane and rustic - can jumpstart the public into feeling more hopeful about climate change (Neale, Austin, Roe, & Converse, 2023). Accordingly, in these two lines of research we have tapped a new source of motivation in the form of inspirational eco-technologies that can jumpstart people out of climate melancholia without the risk of introducing a motivational pitfall. It seems that our collective progress tends to motivate further collective action, rather than license individuals to prioritize their own convenience over our shared goal.

In another line of work, I investigated how people derive social connection and meaning in life from the groups they are a part of—past and present (Kim, Austin, Cian, & Adams, 2023). We wondered whether learning about ancestral social ties – as in those documented by DNA kits – can shift people’s sense of meaning in life and increase feelings of social connection in the present. Using a cross-lagged design, we tested how people’s sense of meaning in life and connectedness shift when they learn information about their ancestral heritage (i.e. past social ties) versus current social network (i.e. current social ties), and how those shifts might motivate future-oriented behaviors such as legacy-building. Our research suggests that learning about ancestral social ties increases people’s experiences of social connection, though not any more than present-day social ties.


Gossip evokes group-iness.

Austin, M. M. K., Harris, K., Caluori, N., & Wood, A. (under review) Gossip enforces cooperation in the absence of shared group identity.

Gossip can quickly and effectively stabilize cooperative norms in organizations and groups. In most situations, gossip sparks reputation concerns that make people keen to cooperate. But do people care if their rivals gossip about them? Traditionally, the premise of gossip’s key role in cooperation has been tied to reputational concerns, which—in theory—can only function within established ingroups. 

In this work, we found that gossip increases cooperation across group boundaries: people who were interacting with strangers that were not part of their ingroup were more likely to act prosocially if they thought they were going to be gossiped about. Moreover, we found that gossip had no effect on cooperation within ingroup members: people interacting with others who were already part of their established ingroup were no more or less likely to act prosocially in response to the threat of gossip. Accordingly, this work suggests that being part of an established group encourages cooperative norms within the group; but in the absence of shared group identity, gossip serves an alternative social tool for enforcing cooperation and evoking group-iness. 

Group level coordination.

Austin, M. M. K. & Chou, E. (working project) People can achieve group level coordination goals with very little information about others.

People are exceptionally good at observing social norms, detecting changing norms, and coordinating their behavior with those norms – and this uniquely human skill fascinates me. How exactly do people think about large group-level norms and how their behavior fits within those norms? I am investigating individual decision making within group-level coordination goals to better understand the cognitive processes that afford the ability for large groups of people to achieve coordination. Specifically, I am studying people’s ability to coordinate and successfully sort themselves within large groups of anonymous strangers given little to no information.

In two studies, I have offered people a simple one-choice test (option A or option B) with the following goal: “80% of you should choose option A, and 20% of you should choose option B” - with no information about each others' decisions. The polls were surprisingly successful: groups were able to achieve roughly 75%/25% splits at least 2 separate times. In ongoing work, we are investigating how people are able to achieve group-level coordination without any information about others' behavior. How do people achieve successful estimates of group-level behavior in order to coordinate their own decisions? What features of a group facilitate successful coordination? In 3 ongoing studies, we are investigating mechanisms that underlie group-level goal pursuit and coordination. The findings from this project help to uncover some psychosocial processes that facilitate our cooperative instincts and our remarkable, inherent ability to coordinate with each other.


Inferences about appearance changes shape moral judgments.

Austin, M. M. K., Adams, G. & Converse, B. (in prep) Inferences about moral character from incidental changes in appearance

At the individual level, my research examines how people make decisions about who they should and shouldn’t cooperate with. Redemption can be difficult for past-offenders to earn because the public often infers that they are likely to reoffend and are hesitant to give them a second chance. In this line of research, I have explored how appearances - specifically, incidental changes in appearance - influence moral judgments about transgressors. Across several studies, I investigated how changes in appearance can signal a shift in identity, which in turn shape character judgments about their trustworthiness and moral character. Across several studies, I have found evidence that people consistently infer that past-offenders who look different than they did before have changed for the better, are more remorseful, more kind, and more trustworthy than their unchanged counterparts. This research reveals how discontinuities in identity–even those as superficial as incidental changes in appearance—can prompt perceivers to re-evaluate whether a transgressor should be entrusted with a second chance to cooperate in society.

Interestingly, participants often spontaneously commented that they do not make judgments based on appearance, yet proceeded to do so. Moreover, changes in personality and other characteristics such as career or food preferences did not have the same effect, although changes in personality could arguably be considered more valid information to base judgments on. This suggests that new information can have a stronger influence on perceivers’ impressions if it is information that perceivers do not intentionally incorporate into their judgments. In future work, I intend to investigate how people think about appearances as authentic reflections of essences, or true selves.

Implicit inferences about race, gender, and colorism interact in impression formation. 

Austin, M. M. K. & Bart-Plange, D.-J. (in prep) Implicit inferences about race, gender, and colorism interact in impression formation.

Implicit bias can emerge in the form of ​undifferentiated impressions,​ where perceivers’ trait ratings for a target are biased to be strongly correlated with each other (Oh et al., 2020). This happens because the perceivers use one trait cue to infer the rest of the target’s traits. I explore how biases can be revealed in intercorrelation structures of trait impressions.

In one study, I tested intercorrelations of trait impressions for evidence of a gendered-racial bias, where people might perceive Black women as more undifferentiated than White women and Black men. To do so, I used principal component analyses to compare intercorrelations between 14 trait ratings for Black women, Black men, White women and White men. While there were no significant differences in mean trait ratings between targets, analyses revealed that ratings of Black women were more intercorrelated than all other race/gender groups. Moreover, the first principal component for trait ratings for Black women explained more variance than it did for trait ratings for all other race/gender groups. These results suggest that impressions of Black women are more biased than impressions of White women, and that bias that is not revealed in mean trait ratings can be revealed in the form of undifferentiated trait ratings.